Leader GuideGod is not shy about taking the side of the poor and obligating us to do the same. While we may want to help, good intentions are not enough and our attempts can do harm—to ourselves and those we try to help. How can we best help those in need, using Gospel values?
This series does not attempt to correlate the weekly themes directly to the lectionary readings, because of the complexity of this overall topic. The season of Lent is generally one in which we are called to be in closer solidarity with those in need. We have also been able to connect the weekly focus to readings at other times of the year.
These online pages are not meant to be comprehensive. Our hope is only that we can pique the interest of participants to learn more about these important topics.
These online pages are not meant to be comprehensive. Our hope is only that we can pique the interest of participants to learn more about these important topics.
Small Group Resources
We highly recommend the use of small group books titled When Helping Hurts: The Small Group Experience by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert, which have corresponding (free) online videos. These are also based on an earlier, more extensive book When Helping Hurts. The authors are Protestant, but we have found the books to be excellent and solid theologically. A version of the small group guide is available for short-term mission groups.
If your parish/organization is interested in a bulk order of any of the books, we can help you purchase them at a significant discount. |
Other Books and Videos
See the "Next Steps" page to find many great resources for understanding this topic better.
Handouts / Bulletin Inserts
Week 1The PDF file is the best quality and smaller file size. Use it for printing or emailing:
The JPG file can be used to paste it directly in another file, such as for your parish bulletin:
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Week 2The PDF file is the best quality and smaller file size. Use it for printing or emailing:
The JPG file can be used to paste it directly in another file, such as for your parish bulletin:
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Week 3The PDF file is the best quality and smaller file size. Use it for printing or emailing:
The JPG file can be used to paste it directly in another file, such as for your parish bulletin:
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Week 4The PDF file is the best quality and smaller file size. Use it for printing or emailing:
The JPG file can be used to paste it directly in another file, such as for your parish bulletin:
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Week 5The PDF file is the best quality and smaller file size. Use it for printing or emailing:
The JPG file can be used to paste it directly in another file, such as for your parish bulletin:
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Week 6The PDF file is the best quality and smaller file size. Use it for printing or emailing:
The JPG file can be used to paste it directly in another file, such as for your parish bulletin:
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