Upside-Down Kingdom
Jesus' parables highlight how different the Kingdom is from how his contemporaries thought it would be, and how "upside-down" it is compared to his society's and our society's values. The Kingdom starts small, but grows to be great. It starts growing, but it is surrounded by weeds. Sometimes the signs of the emerging Kingdom can be disappointing, but we need to stay hopeful and watch for the signs that it is appearing.
Lectionary ReadingsReading texts: U.S. Bishops website
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - A
First Reading |
Second Reading
Motivation & Reluctance (understanding & engaging skeptics)
View the week 2 public page for more ideas.
Tip: RepetitionIf you are preaching or teaching on this topic, do not be hesitant to repeat, rephrase, or reinforce points found in the public pages. That is precisely the point: people need repetition to learn. It is also helpful to start homilies or presentations referring back to earlier ones in the series.
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