Leader GuideJesus talked about the “Kingdom of God” more than any other subject. It was his big idea: a vision of the world as it should be. How well do we understand this “already begun” kingdom we're helping build—on earth as it is in heaven? And how does it change how we live?
By Week
- Introduction (Public page)
- Week 1: 15th Sunday in OT: Me First (Leader page | Public page)
- Week 2: 16th Sunday in OT: Upside-Down Kingdom (Leader page | Public page)
- Week 3: 17th Sunday in OT: Big Investment, Big Payoff (Leader page | Public page)
- Week 4: 18th Sunday in OT: A New Way of Seeing (Leader page | Public page)
Note: we do not necessarily endorse all views in the following books or articles, but each has helped us in our own reflections.
Other Books
The Kingdom of God is a Party
by Tony Campolo
Liturgy Resources
Common Prayer
Oh Lord,
open our eyes to a new way of seeing.
Help us to dream your dream
for our lives and our world,
and use us to bring about
the world as it should be,
where the poor and forgotten come first,
where slaves and prisoners are set free,
where there is joy and laughter,
and where justice and peace reign.
We pray this in Jesus name.
open our eyes to a new way of seeing.
Help us to dream your dream
for our lives and our world,
and use us to bring about
the world as it should be,
where the poor and forgotten come first,
where slaves and prisoners are set free,
where there is joy and laughter,
and where justice and peace reign.
We pray this in Jesus name.
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